Bamboo investments AppBamboo investments App
Bamboo investments App

Country of residence set as Australia

Earn rewards simply by using the Bamboo app

Earn BAM tokens every time you invest or refer a friend.

Bamboo investments App
Bamboo investments App
Bitcoin Stack
BAM Rewards

Join our rewards program and start earning.

We want to reward our users for using Bamboo. BAM is our rewards token that you can earn and cash out at any time.

In the market for effortless investing?

Start your investment journey with us.

Bamboo investment iOS AppBamboo investment Android App
Bamboo investments App
BAM Rewards

How to earn BAM Rewards

  • Once you've activated the rewards program, all you need to do to continue earning is maintain 5% BAM in your portfolio.
  • Earn 1.5 BAM for every top-up
  • Earn 4 BAM per month with recurring payments turned on
  • Earn 5 BAM for every time you refer a friend

This app seriously changed my finances and outlook on the world. It's effortless and does all the heavy lifting for you


How bamboo works

Bamboo App starting steps


Download our app

Provide your personal information to verify your identity then you can securely link your bank account.


Pick your portfolio mix

Select your preferred cryptocurrencies and precious metals then choose when to invest in them.


Start investing

That's it! We'll get you started in 90 seconds so you can begin your effortless crypto investing.

Bamboo investment iOS AppBamboo investment Android App

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More features to keep effortless investing in your hands.

Bamboo investments App

Restructure your portfolio

Rebalance your portfolio mix across crypto and Gold and Silver Standard.

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Bamboo investments App

Invest in crypto with your Self-Managed Super Fund

To hear from one of our Crypto specialists about how you can sign up with your Self Managed Super Fund, let us know how to reach you.

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Bamboo investments App

Put your spare change to work

Use leftover change to access crypto micro-investments with round-ups.

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Bamboo investments App

Restructure your portfolio

Rebalance your portfolio mix across crypto and Gold and Silver Standard.

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Bamboo investments App

Invest in crypto with your Self-Managed Super Fund

To hear from one of our Crypto specialists about how you can sign up with your Self Managed Super Fund, let us know how to reach you.

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Bamboo investments App

Put your spare change to work

Use leftover change to access crypto micro-investments with round-ups.

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Want to know more about the app?

We're here to help.